Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday morning...

I can't believe a whole week has come and gone already. Sometimes the days fly by and other times, the days couldn't go any slower. As I woke up this morning, I just laid in bed for a while, counting my blessings. Thankful for a husband who loves me unconditionally and who makes me laugh, when no one else can. Thankful for the sweet little girl, sleeping in the other room ~ who has brought so much joy, love and peace into our home. Some might think peace is a strange word to use, being that it's been anything but peaceful :) but she has brought a calming to our hearts and spirits.

When I heard her stirring this morning, I slowly opened the door (just in case she wasn't awake yet) and I was greeted with this huge grin, arms opened wide and "maaaaama, maaaaama". Nothing gets better than that. Big kisses exchanged and away we go!

We have been working on our routine ~ everyday is a different day. Sometimes Maggie takes a nap in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and you guessed it, sometimes not at all. Her bedtime hour also changes daily. But once she's asleep, she's out for 12 hours :) No complaints there!

It's the simplest things that bring joy to children. For instance, at this very moment, Maggie is playing with one of my socks and one of Michael's ~ putting them on her feet, her hands, her head...pretty much anything....and laughing and jabbering away!

She's a great helper! We've started training early :) She loves to help put the clothes in the dryer, clean her highchair tray off, pick up the toys and books, and throw her own diapers in the trash. I did find out this morning, though, that she is NOT a fan of the vacuum cleaner. We'll work on that :)

Well, it appears that socks are not the only thing she's interested in getting I must sign off for now. Thanks so much for all your calls, emails, blog comments. We are enjoying each and every one of them, and I promise to get to you soon :) Much love to you all on this beautiful Saturday morning.

1 Had Something To Say:

Jocelyn said...

Oh, Courtney... it sounds like things are going so very well. It's always a little scary bringing in a child who is a little older-- not knowing what they've experienced, not knowing how they will adjust. But it sounds like she is doing GREAT in your home. Those smiles after they haven't seen you for awhile are the most wonderful smiles ever! I was smiling so big reading this entry. Congratulations again... I cannot say that enough!