Saturday, July 05, 2008

My long weekend....

Ohhh how I love long weekends....I wish every weekend could be 3 days long!

So far I've enjoyed:
1. Sleeping in 2 days in a row! (of course, anything is sleeping in when you get up at 5am each workday morning)
2. Taking Maya & Isabela here and here to celebrate their 4th birthday!
3. Watching him win to move on to the Wimbeldon Finals.
4. Seeing world records broken and history being made at the Olympic Trials.
5. Playing this and breaking some of my own records.
6. Michael played this and was "ranking up" (as he calls it)
7. Hanging up my new M.E. flag
8. Getting caught up on this fantastic medical docu-drama
9. Called to wish Dina a happy 40th birthday!!!...and stayed on the phone chit-chatting about this and that and other stuff for over an hour.
10. Finally caught up with Kie and planned a possible visit in August.
11. Renting these 4 movies....Fool's Gold, The Bucket List, Definitely, Maybe, and Vantage I just have to watch them!
12. and maybe a few more things before the weekend ends.

Some of the things I haven't enjoyed about the weekend:
1. Laundry, laundry, laundry
2. A stinkin' fly that would not leave us alone, and in turn, made our typically-sweet dog into a demon (as he growled, snarled and chased a fly he could not catch....he transformed into a scared and paranoid pup)
3. Grocery shopping here with the other thousand people.
4. Having to cancel a lunch date with friends due to my hubby's migraine. Sorry guys! We hope to reschedule soon!

What things did you enjoy this long weekend?

1 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

Love all the links--fun,fun for us internet lovers! Let us know what you think about your movies--loved Bucket List!

Hmm, I am loving eating snow cones every day at the park and getting the house ready for Joelie to come home on Sunday (late,late night). Love ya, Jen