Sunday, July 06, 2008

and it's almost over....

...the long weekend, that is. Wow...another 3 day weekend come and gone! And yet another Monday morning lurking in the forefront of my mind.

To add on to the that I posted yesterday:
1. We enjoyed a visit from our niece and nephew (and sister and brother-in-law) and learned all about these from Cierra. She was even nice enough to share which ones she'd like to have for her birthday coming up in September :)
2. We watched 3 of the 4 movies we rented: The Bucket List was great and a tear jerker to boot...and I absolutely loved this video from the movie. Vantage Point was exciting but also left me feeling a little cheated in the lack of information into the background of the story. Then I watched Definitely, Maybe on my own, as it is most definitely (not maybe) a chick-flick! I thought it was really cute. So, we still have Fool's Gold to watch and those who know me know, that I never miss an opportunity to see my man Matthew McConaughey-hey-hey :).
3. We watched the Wimbledon final today with great stress, anticipation, and excitement. I believe the match will go down in history as one of the most intense matches ever. Although my guy didn't win, it was what you would want to see battled out in a finale.
4. and allowed myself a treat (even though I should stay away from it....)

Now, I'm off to watch one of my summer favorites and get ready for another new week. Here's hoping that you all had a wonderful weekend and a good week to come!

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