Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A license and a call!

Michael & I are asking for prayer. We have always laughed saying wouldn't it be funny if after taking 18+ months to get us licensed to adopt, that we'd probably get a call the very next day. Well.....we were officially licensed yesterday....and....yes, we got a call tonight.

We don't have a lot of details, other than this: Our agency has been discussing us all day today and feel so strongly that this case is meant for us. We are meeting with the agency tomorrow afternoon to discuss this little one's case and to find out everything we can about her. Yes, it's a little girl and she's 17 months old. She has already been in 2 foster homes and they are ready to find her a forever family.

They sent us a few pictures of her, and she could definitely be my biological child.

Please pray for guidance, wisdom, discernment and an open heart to what is shared with us tomorrow. They are needing to move quickly (now, they tell us?!?!) :) We're just praying that we will have no doubts of what the Lord would have happen. If she's meant to come home with us, that we have peace about it...and if she's not, that we will still have peace about it. We'll be sure to keep you posted.

We are so thankful to be able to come to all of you, and ask you to join us on our knees. God is good!

Court & Michael

3 Had Something To Say:

Anonymous said...


I've known somehow all along that when this long wait for licensing was over that it wouldn't be long before you got the call. My prayers are with you and Michael today as you meet to discuss this little one. I pray that you will have peace with whatever decision you come to.


Erica said...

Oh My Goodness! Oh My Goodness! Oh My GOODNESS!

I am praying for you guys. I will be anxiously awaiting the update!!!


Rusty and Jennifer said...

WOW! Courtney, that is SO exciting! I am so thrilled for you guys.
I will be praying all day that the Lord will give you an abundant peace if this is the little girl that He has for you! And if not, that He will make that clear as well while filling your heart with comfort and peace.
Keep us posted!