Monday, July 14, 2008

Where do I begin?

Ugh! I am so frustrated with myself right now...I can't believe that I haven't updated my blog...I'm sooooo sorry! There is so much to share and I just haven't found the time to do it. But I can bring you up to speed, as of tonight....we are learning that our lives continue to change on an hourly basis these days!

Our caseworker came out tonight to give us our official license. WOW! It has the State seal on it and everything :) Now, here's a shocker....we had to sign some more forms?! I I said, shocking! She then says that they've been discussing the best way and time to bring Maggie home, and she said well, it looks like it will happen this weekend. Ok? Ok. Ok? Um...ok! We should hopefully know tomorrow for sure, but that's the way it typically goes. Once they've found a permanent placement, they want to move fast. Makes sense to me.

So, now, instead of giving my boss 2 weeks notice of my maternity leave, I'm going to give him to the end of the week. Thankfully he's been really supportive and wonderful about everything. I'm just putting a lot of pressure on myself to make sure that I leave everything in order and turn over my duties to co-workers. Needless to say, the next 4 days will be hectic at work, let alone at home.

Another exciting thing has happened....Michael has accepted a new position with a new company today, and will be starting a new job in the coming days. It's a great opportunity for him, and for us, as a family, and I am so very proud of him. Nothing like adding another life change to the mix :)

We have a lot going on, but through it all, we are just so full of joy for our little Maggie Joy. We can't wait to open our home to the little one, who has already filled our hearts.

I promise that I will write more soon...and take you back through the past few days. In the meantime, keep us and Maggie in your prayers. We are so thankful for each and every one of you!


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