Sunday, August 31, 2008

Where did the week go?

When we first brought Maggie home, I oftened wondered how in the world could a day go by sooooo slowly?! I remember's ONLY 9am? It's only 9:08am? and so on....and now...I'm it seriously already Sunday again? Where did the week go?

This past week was quite full ~ not necessarily with places to go, but with things to do!

Maggie had her first dental appointment. It went well, but then again, how else could it have gone? It was literally a 5 minute appointment. I sure do wish mine were like that. Note to self: need to schedule dental appointment.

I also had the wonderful task of trying to schedule her surgery at Texas Children's. I called the number that the ENT office gave me. They said that the ENT would need to send over Maggie's medical records and referral letter before an appointment could be made with one of their specialists. I called the ENT's office and they said that TCH has their own referral form. Please have TCH fax over their referral form to our office, we will complete it and send it back. Called TCH and asked about referral form. Was informed that some departments have their own form, but they don't. Called ENT's office back to let them know that they just needed to have the doctor write a referral for Maggie and send the records. They seemed quite frustrated with me (they're frustrated?!?!?!) and said that they would TRY and get it to it by Wednesday (it was Monday when I called). Thankfully the ENT's office sent the information over fairly quickly and I was able to get the next available appointment - September 25th. This is just to see a doctor to have them say, yes, she does need the surgery...let's schedule it. UGH! Oh the red tape! Oh the governmental system! It's truly ridiculous!

On Friday, Maggie & I went over to my friend's Sally's inlaws to go swimming. We had a great time with Sally & Spencer. It was a beautiful sunny, hot Houston day. Maggie loved the water and playing with Spencer. One the midst of all the chaos, I forgot one minor thing. Sunscreen on momma. Can we say RED? Unlike my beautiful, gorgeous tanned daughter, I need the sunscreen. I am still in pain, 3 days later. Maggie, on the other hand, couldn't be darker if I painted her brown!

I also finally got my car back from the body shop. Oh, I don't think I blogged about the old (85+) lady who backed up into my parked car, while visiting my grandparents...and who wanted to blame me for parking in the middle of the street. Oh dear Peggy...let's not even go there. She asked that I not file a claim on her insurance...she'd just pay for it. I got an estimate and informed her of the price. She filed a claim. It took almost 2 weeks for the body shop to repair my car...and honestly, the damage was minimal...except for the fact that I couldn't open up my driver's door. I will forever appreciate my Honda Pilot and the incredible reliability and pick up speed it that I've driven a Kia Sedona for 2 weeks. Welcome back, Pilot!

For those of you mommas out there...I'm sure you'll appreciate this. I knew that I was going to get a rental car. I didn't think it would be for too long, so I decided to just leave Maggie's car seat in my Pilot, and use the 2nd carseat that my sister, Ashley, gave me a long time ago. This way, I wouldn't have to mess with taking out her seat, since honestly, I can't quite figure out how to get it out anyway. Can we say complicated? So, I get back to the house with the rental car and I go to put the other car seat in. What a struggle. I couldn't figure out how to secure the dadgum thing....I was sweating....going from one side to the next, laying down in the back, trying to get the extra latch to fit in a spot that couldn't possibly be for the latch. Finally, about 20 minutes later, I get it in. WHEW! Now, I go to get Maggie, bring her out to the car, put her in the car seat, pull up the straps....pull up the straps...pull....up....UGH! Can any of you guess my next problem? I didn't even THINK to check to see if the straps would be in the right position...and you guessed it...they weren't. It would've been one thing if the straps were too loose...but NO...they were way too tight. I couldn't believe it. I was so frustrated! I pulled Maggie out. Put her in the house. Went back out to the car and 10 minutes later, got the car seat out of the rental, brought it back into the house, to find my daughter crying and my husband just looking at me, wondering what in the world is going on. I throw the car seat down in front of him, burst into tears and walk out of the room. Yes, was not a pretty moment.

Needless to say, it's an older car seat, so I had to unlatch each strap, pull the straps out, adjust the height, pull the straps back through, rehook all latches, and then attempt to put it back in the car. Yeah right. All the while I was I seriously need milk that badly....or can it just wait? I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who has had moments like this....right?

Maggie is doing great! She's really working hard on her words and definitely babbling non-stop. Her bedtime and naptime routines are great. She loves being outside and in the water, so the baby pool has been a huge success this summer! She actually cries every morning when we don't get in it right away. Hard to tell an 18 month old that it's just too early to swim (7am). Michael & I are doing well and have really adjusted to our new life. It's hard to remember what our life was even like pre-Maggie. We're grateful and feel so blessed to be called Maggie's momma and daddy.

We've got a few other things coming up in the next 2 weeks. We'll keep you posted and always, appreciate your prayers!

2 Had Something To Say:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, as a Mommy I've had many moments like that. But you made it through and that's the most important thing. Hang in there because the good moments far out weight moments like that.

Love you and miss you,

Jocelyn said...

Oh you have captured mommy-life so well! It's amazing what puts us over the edge... also amazing how much we can handle before we head over that edge frankly! From carseats to doctors (and really... specialists have never been an easy thing to schedule with... you'd think with how much technology they use in their practice that they would be able to make it easier for patients to make a stinkin' appointment)... you sound like you are handling things well. Release (cry) and then breathe, release (scream) and then breathe... the calming mantra of the mommy! Hang in there girlie!