Friday, September 05, 2008

A day at the park...

It was an unusual thing to find this morning....cooler weather outside! So, I decided to take Maggie up to Meyer Park and play for a while.

This was our first time to the park, and possibly her first ever. She took it all in. The ducks. The geese. The doves and even those NASTY nutrias! We walked and walked and walked....guess she was more interested in checking everything out, rather than actually playing on the playgrounds. Eventually, she eased her way onto the sand, climbed up the stairs, and even took a few rides down the slides. We then moved over to the swings...and oh that girl loved that swing. I think she would've stayed in that swing all day, if we could. She'd lay her head back, close her eyes and seemed to just soak it all in.

At that moment, I was reminded that no matter how complicated life can be, or how many worries we carry with us...just like that, we can lay our heads back, close our eyes, raise our heads and eyes to the heavens and know that God is in control! It's amazing how much someone so little can teach so much!

1 Had Something To Say:

Erica said...

What a beautiful illustration! I needed to be reminded of that.

I'm glad you all had a wonderful day at the park. Have a great weekend too!