Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What we know....

so far is that the judge awarded Maggie's bio-mom visitation rights and the first visit is to take place next week at CPS. The supervised visit is for an hour. Maggie's CPS caseworker also told us that the judge is working on a service plan for the mom to regain custody of Maggie. We were absolutely floored by this information, as everyone involved has told us that this just wasn't possible, with the mom's history. However, something must've happened...and we don't know what yet. The CW couldn't say anything else to me on the phone and said she'd call me back "sometime" today...ugh?!

As I laid in my bed in the fetal position sobbing, I was reminded once again, that satan is powerful and that I cannot feel defeated. It's so easy to jump to all sorts of conclusions, play out scenarios and put things in motion in our minds...because we don't have all the information or know all the answers...BUT GOD does! He is more powerful than satan. God is in CONTROL. God already knows the outcome. If Michael & I truly believe what we say we believe, we must stand strong, press forward, pray that the complete truth is revealed, and continue to love, protect and care for Maggie.

Although it feels as if everything has changed, nothing has changed. Maggie still calls us Momma and Daddy and Maggie is still our daughter and God is still God...that's all we need to know right now.

Thanks for your prayers. We'll be sure to keep you posted!

6 Had Something To Say:

Erica said...

Oh, Courtney! I am on my knees for you and your precious family. I'm not going to throw some trite Christian phrase out here because you and I both know that there are no perfect words to comfort. Only the Lord can do that. All we can do is pray, pray, pray. And that I am committed to do.

Hugs to you all.

Kara Yee said...

Sweet Courtney, my heart is aching with you. There are no words, as Erica said in her post, the only thing we can do is pray, pray again, and pray some more. Praying that the Lion in the Lord would come out, praying for His protection, praying for His peace, praying for Him to make Himself evident to you and to others through this. On my knees on your behalf, Friend. Hang on tight to the Lord...

Rusty and Jennifer said...

I am so sorry!
I don't know what to say other than I am praying!

Anonymous said...

Oh Court, I agree with everyone, it's so hard to find the words to say. I am too praying with you alway, my knees can handle it.

I love you,

the bakks said...

Oh Courtney I am so sorry!! This absolutely STINKS. I cannot even imagine the magnitude of emotions you must be going through...

I will be praying for you this week - please, keep us posted!

Cody and Shana said...

You'll be in my prayers.