Monday, August 25, 2008

One day at a time...

That's how we're livin' day at a time.

We finally heard back from the CPS CW, 2 days after the court hearing. She informed us that the permanency plan of unrelated adoption was still presented and everyone was still on board with pushing forward with that. However, by law, Maggie's bio-mom still has her rights, and therefore, the judge has to give visitation (with a clean drug test) and offer a service plan, regardless of the permanency plan offered. This means that nothing has really changed...other than it's going to be an emotional roller coaster and it will most likely just take longer to terminate rights. Again, without going into detail (due to privacy and legal issues), it's VERY doubtful that the bio-mom will even come close to fulfilling the requirements that the judge will put in place, as well as the fact that it's not just the completion of services that make the final decision. She would also have to prove to be a stable and able parent, which is most highly doubtful. So, at this time, we're pressing on, loving and caring for Maggie, keeping her safe and secure, and walking the path of true faith like never before.

On another note, Maggie's CT scan showed that she does not have the nasal/sinus obstructions that they had feared! We are so thrilled about it could have been some fairly serious surgery and recovery time. However, it did show that her tonsils and adenoids do need to be removed. Due to her extreme sleep apnea and the possible complications, the ENT referred us to Texas Children's for the surgery. We are in the process of getting all of the paperwork and records sent to TCH so that a physician there can see her and then schedule the surgery. This process has been anything but simple and easy. Even making doctor's appointments can be quite challenging. Dealing with Medicaid is definitely a new experience and one that I hope most don't have to deal with. So many forms, referral for this and that. It's no wonder that our system is so screwed up....they make it way too complicated. I am to follow up with TCH on Wednesday to schedule an initial drs. visit.

Tomorrow morning Maggie has her first dentist appointment. This should be interesting, since she does NOT like for me to brush her teeth. Yes, a dental appointment at 18 months old! The state requires all children in the system to see the dentist as soon as they go into care. If I thought finding a doctor who took the Star Medicaid was difficult...try finding a dentist who sees children under the age of 3...and oh yeah, takes Star Health Medicaid.

I just realized that my post might be coming across as negative and like I am complaining, but it's just that it's been a rough few days. We all go through that ~ no matter where we are in life, what we are going through, what battles we are facing. There will be days that are harder than others but like my Momma always says "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" And in the meantime, we just need to hold on a little tighter to our Father God, who has ALL THINGS in His hands...even the pesky receptionists at the doctor's offices and the paperwork that continues to need to be filled out.

So, tonight, as I close...may you hold your loved ones tighter and may you feel the love of our Heavenly Father more deeply than ever before.

Much love to you all!

2 Had Something To Say:

Anonymous said...

I am not quite sure where you are located, but when my kids had medicaid I took them to Northwest Pediatric Dental Maria Green D.D.S. 281- 583-4600. She is located near 1960 on Red Oak. She is good and I know Ellie was under 2 when I took her. Hope that helps. In Christ, Anna Putnam Nelson (an old Tomball Bible Church goer that was in the same grade as your sister Lesilie)

Court said...

Hey Anna! Of course, I remember you and your family well :) Thanks for stopping by and for the name and number. We found a dentist just a few minutes away from us and he was good (well, all 5 minutes of the exam for an 18 month old, that is! But, it's always good to have options! Take care :)