Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Court hearing tomorrow

Just a quick note to let you know that Maggie's first court hearing is this morning at 9:30am. It is just a status hearing and the time for all the parties involved to come before the judge to discuss her case and their plan of action. We have been told that everyone is on board to move quickly to unrelated adoption. However, we have also been notified, that after 9+ months of being out of the picture, her biological mom has all of a sudden, decided to pop back into the picture, and is wanting immediate visitation rights, as well as regaining custody of Maggie. We can't share the particulars of her background, but if you heard even a small portion of it, you'd know that there is no way that Maggie should be returned to her biological mother, let alone even be granted any visitation. Even the mother's attorney is on our side.

It is hard to put into words, all the many emotions that are flowing through me right now. But in the midst of the unknowns, we are confident that God is in control. We know that God brought Maggie into our lives. She is our daughter. She is ours. We are her Momma and Daddy. She is loved. She is safe. She is home. And that's what we cling to.

Even though everyone is telling us that they're for us, Satan still has his way of getting into our minds. Oh the scenarios that have played out in my mind the past few days! But, I will NOT let those thoughts take over me. I will cling to the hope of knowing that God is sovereign, loving and still with us. He has gone before us. He is walking with us. He will protect us. He will provide for us. He will carry us...and with that, we take each day as it comes....loving our daughter, enjoying each moment we have together, and thanking God for the miracle of her sweet little life.

Due to the circumstances of Maggie's mother's situation, we will not be in court tomorrow morning. So, we will be at home, waiting for the caseworker to call us with an update, and praying that the Lord's will be done.

Thanks for praying with us. We'll be sure to let you know what happens.

Love to all ~

1 Had Something To Say:

Rusty and Jennifer said...

What you are going through today hits so close to home for me and my heart is burdened for you.
I have sat in your shoes- as the legal system determines who legally deserves rights to your child. Meanwhile, you beg them to consider the what is in the child's best interest, not just what is legal. Unfortunately, sometimes that gets lost in it all.
I am praying for the judge and all the attorneys this morning as they make such huge decisions on behalf of your little girl.
I am praying for her birth family and for their hearts to be changed.
And, I am praying that God will protect you and Michael and not allow Satan to attack. He has the opportunity to try and make you angry and question your faith. Stay strong and cling to what you know to be the truth. May He fill your hearts with peace today and surround with comfort that only He can give.