Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Tuesday night and we have a post!

Hi fellow blogworld! Yes, it's Tuesday night and I'm posting a blog :) I have some quiet time right now, being that our satellite went out (even though there is no more rain falling), and thought I'd stop by and say hi.

It's hard to believe that we've had Maggie in our home for just 20 days, yet, she has been in our hearts for 18+ months. Michael & I were just saying that it feels as if we've had her forever and what in the world did we do with our time when it was just the 2 of us?

For those of you out there that are married without children yet.....take every opportunity that you have to spend with your spouse! Go on dates, go out to eat, watch a movie together, go bowling, play cards, go hiking...whatever it is that you enjoy doing together...do it! Those times are few and far between once little ones come into your lives. We got so excited tonight when we were actually able to sit next to each other on the couch, turn on the TV and not watch Noggin or Nick! You mean, we can actually watch "adult" tv?! It's the little things.

I took Maggie up to my office yesterday to introduce her to my co-workers. She was the hit of the office and everyone thought she was just beautiful and sweet. She was on her best behavior :) I have to admit that as much as I like the people that I work with, and have some special friendships with some co-workers, I would love to never have to walk back in there again. I'd love to just be able to stay home with Maggie. But, unfortunately, that isn't possible right now. So, in the meantime, I'm enjoying every minute of my 8 week adoption leave and thankful for the special time that I have to bond with Maggie.

My heart is so full! I have always wanted to be a Momma. I longed for the day when my little one would reach up for my hand, grab my neck and give me a squeeze, blow kisses in the rear view mirror as they sit in their carseat, or run to me when they are hurt or scared. And within 3 weeks, I have experienced all of these and more. It has been so worth everything that we have gone through.

We still have a ways to go with Maggie's case. We have an agency case worker, a CPS case worker and a Court Appointed Child Advocate (CASA) for Maggie. We have been contacted by all 3 this week and have been informed that they are "fast-tracking" her case for unrelated adoption (meaning, no one in the family is acceptable or willing). We should find out in the next day or two, when the court date is set. This is positive news for us, as the parental rights could be terminated much faster than we had hoped for. The state requires a child to be in your home a minimum of 6 months before an adoption can be filed, and in most cases it takes well over a year. However, in this case, as it stands TODAY, it looks like it could go much more quickly....which of course, we'd be more than thrilled about.

Please pray for us as we meet with these different women, as they come into our home and see our interaction with Maggie, and make determinations that will be given to the court for their decision. We know that God is in control and that He has brought us this far, He'll continue to lead us into the unknowns. We'll keep you posted!

1 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

Yay--so fun to get an update! Oh how I hope they DO fast track the adoption--how wonderful it will be for you guys to have things finalized.

And yes, I used to get kind of miffed when parents would go on and on to us about doing things together now before kids came and changed EVERYTHING. MIffed probably b/c I just wanted to be mama so badly. I guess you just can't understand how true it is until you are there! I remember one day thanking the Lord out loud when Joel and I had time to clean the kitchen together while the babes were napping--that is how much things change!

Anyway, little Sammy is pulling on my skirt and screeching so I better go for now. Love you ! Jen