Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big girl bed - night 2

Well, it's 9:25pm and I've just spent an hour trying to get Maggie settled for the night. I bought a gate rail to put on the side of her bed, in hopes that it might make her feel more secure. We read 5 books, played a game of Dora dominoes in her bed (to show her that the bed is a fun/good place) and then I rocked her. Funny thing is that most nights she doesn't want to be rocked at all. Not tonight. She fell asleep and I put her down, only to have her wake up. She followed me to the door. I went to the kitchen and the next thing I see is sweet little Maggie looking up at me. Um....ok...guess she now knows how to open that door. Hmmm....ok...so I put one of the childproof knob covers on the inside of her door; I know she can't get those open (most adults have enough trouble with them!) So, I gently took her back to her bed, kissed her goodnight and walked out to her crying.

It really does break my heart. I hate for her to cry. She's not a bedtime crier, so I know it's just because it's a change.

It's quiet now. I'm curious to see if she actually got back in the bed or if she is sleeping on the floor at the door again. I guess I'll find out in a bit....more updates later.

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