Tuesday, December 16, 2008

PPT Conference

We have another PPT conference tomorrow afternoon at 2pm. This is where all parties involved in Maggie's case come together to discuss how everyone is doing/progressing, to confirm that everyone is still on the same page, and to hopefully exchange valuable information. The birth mother did not show up for the last meeting...not sure if she'll be there tomorrow or not ~ although, to be honest, I'd be surprised if she didn't show up. It's always a bit nerve-wracking to attend these meetings because there's always this fear that we'll be blindsided by something. Just another part of the emotional rollercoaster we call parenthood.

Maggie continues to thrive and flourish and grow. She continues to be a wonderful blessing to our entire family and we're so excited about our first Christmas together as a little family.

Thanks so much for your prayers and friendship. We'll be sure to keep you posted on how the conference goes.

1 Had Something To Say:

Jocelyn said...

I hope the conference went well. It's so tough when you're just going along like a normal, happy family and then you have another meeting or court date and are then again reminded of the reality of things. I think that's the hardest part of this. So- I hope it went well. Remember that you and your sweet family are continually being prayed over.