Tuesday, March 06, 2007

All moved in....

The move to High Hollow Lane really went better than expected. It reminded me of the beginning of the movie, Meet The Fockers...when everything is going right, after everything going wrong in the first movie, and just waiting for the bad stuff to start...and it doesn't! That's exactly what happened with our move.

Michael & I were able to get to bed fairly early on Wednesday night and had a good night's sleep. The movers arrived early and got us moved in less than 3 hours. The cable/internet guy called to say he was in the area, could he come over early? Sure....we don't have the tvs set up, but we can do it quickly. Of course, it would be helpful to find that one box that I packed all the cables and remotes in so that it would be so easy to find when needed (found it right after the cable guy left). Furniture was delivered before the scheduled time and looks great in the living room. My mom came over after lunch to help with the unpacking of boxes...mostly in the kitchen. It's amazing how much stuff we have!!! My mom was a great help ~ as she should be, after 20+ moves in our lifetime. Thanks Mom!

The only hiccup came when the movers tried to install our dryer and we found that the electrical outlet in the wall was different than our dryer. UGH #1! So, it was off to Lowes to hopefully find an adapter. We arrive at Lowes to be told that they don't have adapters; we'll just need to re-wire the dryer....it's easy! No problem! Um...yeah...right! So, we bought the new wiring and decided to attack it first thing Saturday morning. What a sight! As most of you probably know, the area for a washer and dryer is very tight and very difficult to do anything with. Our house is no exception. We pulled the dryer out and Michael was able to re-wire the dryer without much trouble. That's when we realized that the movers must have left the vent hose behind at the other house, because we didn't have one. UGH #2! So, I made a quick run to Lowes to get a vent. Came back to the house, put it on and realized that the package didn't come with the clamps. UGH #3! I went back to Lowes and got the clamps. Came back to the house, got the vent hooked up and then realized that I couldn't get out from behind the dryer ~ ha! UGH #4....now we have to unhook the washer, move it out of the tight space, move the dryer out, let me move out of the way, hold up the vent so that it doesn't get crushed, very carefully remove myself and push the dryer and washer back into place. Ahhhhhh...finally! So, then we test the dryer and there is this clanking noise....so I open up the dryer and what do my eyes find.....the vent hose AND clamps....UGH #5! Michael & I just looked at each other and after a little bit, were able to laugh about it!

Chopper has been adjusting to the new digs, and we have found that he's quite the guard dog....barking at EVERYTHING! For those of you who visited us at our old house, you'll remember how the house was very removed from the street and we heard almost nothing. We are now on a busy street and Chopper barks at every little noise. That will hopefully change :) One good note, we have broken Chopper of his need to get up every morning at 2:45 to go outside...we've been able to push it until 4am....which makes me very happy!

All of the boxes are unpacked! We just have to decorate the walls....lots and lots of walls!

On another note, we were not able to get the fingerprinting done this weekend. We have it scheduled for the 17th. We just weren't able to get things done in the midst of the move. We still have a lot to do with the paperwork so we will most likely start our training in April. Michael & I just keep reminding ourselves that it's all in God's timing, not our own.

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