Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Moving Forward

We received a call from Dennis, our counselor, yesterday. He was just following up to see if we were still going forward with the process with their agency, since he hadn't received all our paperwork yet. YES!

He's already calling us? I'm freaking out! It's only been 8 days, including one weekend....yikes! Even in the slows of the week, we couldn't have gotten it all done; let alone in the midst of moving. But he quickly explained that he just wanted to know if he should keep our file open. I'm sure plenty of people leave the orientation and don't go forward. I explained to him that we were moving this week but that we had been working on the paperwork and hoped to have it to him in the next 2 weeks. He was going to check on the scheduling of the PRIDE classes to see when we could get started on that.

I just want to get the move completed and then be able to focus on the paperwork.

On that note, we have received the keys to our new home and will begin to move some things in tonight. The movers will be at the old house first thing in the morning and we are so excited. We just hope that everything coordinates well...between the movers arrival time, the delivery of new furniture to the new house, cable guy coming out and last but not least, Chopper's reaction to everything during the move...that should prove interesting!

One final my Bible time this morning, the verse of the day was this:

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil.4:6-7).

It made me can I ever really give something over to God and know that I have indeed left it in His hands? This is not an easy task, but it is one that gets easier in time. It's the difference between walking on an ice-covered lake and walking on a concrete sidewalk.

This verse reminded me that when we entrust something to God we do not hold our breath until the problem is resolved, and then breathe a sigh of relief. If we have truly entrusted something to God we should feel God's peace at the moment we trusted. We REST assured that God has it under control, and that He will make us aware of any thing needing to be done. So if we say we have given it to God yet breathe the sigh of relief only after things are resolved, then we did not completely trust. But if we can say we have given it to God and then feel the worry- free peace from trusting Him, then we have really begun to learn how to walk on the ice as though it were a sidewalk.

Walking on ice ~ Court

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