Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Crazy week so far....

It's been a busy, crazy week so far...and it's only Wednesday!

Michael & I have crossed off a few things from our ever-growing adoption checklist! We both had our physicals and TB testing done. We have to go back tomorrow to make sure that we don't have TB. So far, so good! :) No red marks yet :) Michael told the doctor that he was worried that his latest work with chickens might make him have TB ~ ha! No worries, he wasn't being serious.

I have completed my bio and feel good about it. Michael has started his and should hopefully have it done by tomorrow. Then we get our fingerprints done on Saturday morning. We still have things on the list to complete, but they don't all have to be done right away.

Sometimes it feels as if we're rushing and then at times, it feels like we're moving at a snail's pace. Please pray for us as we complete the final application process and that everything submitted will be well received at the agency.

Now, I'm off to see the results show for American Idol. For those of you who watch, my bottom 3 picks for the week are as follows: 3. Chris Sligh, 2. Haley from San Antonio & 1. Sanjaya Malakar. Now, Sanjaya shouldn't have even made it past Hollywood, so obviously he should be the one to go tonight. My gut tells me that Chris Sligh will be the one to go. Guess we'll just have to see! As for who should win the competition? Melinda Dolittle - hands down!


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