Thursday, April 15, 2010

Noah's Ark

Everyday, Maggie comes home from school and immediately takes out her folder.  Her folder will contain notes from the teacher, announcements from school, and all her art projects. She is very quick to sit us down and present us with her handiwork.  "Look, Momma. Look, Daddy"

Yesterday, she shows us a picture of a man that she painted. 

M - "Momma, Daddy. Look."
Me - "Oh what a great job painting the picture.  Who is that?"
M - "Um, I thought it was God. But it's not God."
Me - "Oh, ok. Well who is it?"
M - "Noah!!!!"
Me - "and what did Noah do?"
M - "he build  big ark"
Me - "Why?"
M - "a big storms a comin'" (we laugh)
Me - "and what's on the ark?"
M - "aminals....lots and lots and lots of aminals"
Me - "lots and lots, huh?"
M - "yep. not 1, not 3, just 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2...."  :)

It really blessed our hearts to hear Maggie share what she learned that day...and that it was a Bible story.  How thankful we are for her teachers and the truths that she is learning!

2 Had Something To Say:

Me! said...

I love this! Ah, the cute things kids say :)

Jocelyn said...

EEEEK! that warmed my heart!