Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ugh...are you kidding?

Maggie went back to MDO for just 2 days last week and is already sick...are you kidding me?! Confirmation that we made the right decision to keep her out of MDO while I was home on medical leave. Poor baby is all congested, can't breathe, really raspy in the chest, and has basically no voice. She does sound pretty funny when she talks though! :)

She didn't fall asleep until 2am this morning (whew - Momma is T-I-R-E-D!) but she's sleeping good so far tonight. Here's hoping she feels better in the morning.

1 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

BUMMER! I just feel like this time of year is a constant round of colds/coughs and it is not fun! Hope she is feeling better soon and that you all can get some rest. Love ya!