Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Decision Made

As I wrote last night, I had one more visit to make before making a decision on where to place Maggie for daycare. As I dropped Maggie off this morning to her MDO, I was really saddened to know that she only has 1 more day there. She loves her school. She loves her friends. She loves her teachers...and they all love her. Oh how I wish they had extended care. But I digress....

Maggie will be going to Northland Christian School 3 days a week - Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. She will be there all day, from 6:30am until around 4:30pm, or as soon as I can get there. I'm having to devise a new driving route to work, and it will entail more traffic but in the end, it's worth it for her. After researching so many places, we feel really good about her being at NCS. 1. It is a Christian, Bible teaching school, and she will continue to get the Christian-based education she was getting from MDO. 2) There are only 7 other kiddos in her class, which will help with the transition. 3) It was actually the cheapest tuition, out of everything we looked at. Not a huge issue, but a nice plus!

So, I have a huge application to complete (good grief for a a 3 year old?!) and get back to them tomorrow....and then she starts on Monday.

Please pray for an easy transition for Maggie - it's a new place, new faces, new teachers but more importantly, it's a much longer day away than she's ever experienced before. Right now, she's just gone for 5 hours...she'll be doubling that.

Change is good, right?!

1 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

Oh Court, I hope this school ends up meeting and surpassing the great experience Maggie had at MDO. Will be praying for you guys during this transition time! Jen