Thursday, February 01, 2007


Our mailbox has been INUNDATED with brochures, newsletters, pamphlets, business cards, invitations to attend orientation meetings, forms, forms and more forms from a multitude of foster care and/or adoption agencies. It's really overwhelming!

How do we decide which agency to go to? How many different orientations do we attend? Do we want to foster-to-adopt or adoption only? Do we want a single child or sibling group? Do we want a newborn or toddler or are we willing to take an older child or sibling group? Will we be able to write our "lifebook" to truly reflect who we are and what we're all about? How do we put our life into a one page essay? Will we find a new house soon (yes, in the midst of all this, we're trying to move!) and will the house pass inspection? I could go on and on....

At this point, there are more questions than answers. The awesome news is that God is in control, He knows the answers to our questions, even before we know what to ask, and He will show us where to go, what to do, how to handle every situation and guide us through the process. . Michael & I have felt the Holy Spirit in such a strong and mighty way over the past few weeks, confident in His leading and we are excited to see where we are going on this journey.

We will be attending our first orientation meeting on February 12th with the Lutheran Social Services of Houston. This is the organization that has been recommended to us. I'm sure we will have even more questions after that. In the meantime, we just continue to seek out God in all that we do and read alot of information!

In all my reading lately, I ran across a sentence that sums up how I feel right now….

“Expecting without a due date”

It’s true – I’m an expectant mother without a due date! How wonderful though to know that our Heavenly Father knows right now of what our due date is and will bring us our children at just the right time. We just have to take comfort in that and continue to lay our fears and anticipation at His feet as we take each day as it comes.

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