Sunday, January 28, 2007

Adoption Fair

Michael & I attended the adoption fair yesterday. It was pretty much what we had imagined....a bunch of tables with one or two people at each, representing their agency, providing information, handing out brochures and answering any questions you might have. It was basically the first introduction to the process and where to begin.

We went to speak to one agency specifically ~ one that has been recommended to us by a few people. The gentleman hosting the table couldn't have been any nicer or more sincere. He was truly listening to us and sharing with us the process. We both felt instantly at ease with him. He would be the first person that we would sit down with and talk to, before starting the process.

There was a lot of information to decifer and consider...and we've been doing just that. There are a lot of factors to consider, a lot of fears to work through, a lot of paperwork to be filled out, a lot of information to share...but through it all, we hope to start our family this year.

We prayed on our way to the church ~ that the Lord would just show us where we needed to be, what we needed to do, where to go ~ and instantly we were at peace. There is no doubt in our hearts that God has called us to be parents through adoption.

It's a long process, with a lot of paperwork as well as training and certification ~ but we are excited about it.

Isn't it interesting that those who become parents through natural childbirth don't have to do any training or certification but adoptive parents are required a minimum of 30 hours before being certified. Sometimes I think it would be beneficial for everyone to go through it....

Our next step is to schedule a meeting with Dennis in his office and we plan on doing that very soon. Thanks for your encouragement and prayers!

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