Friday, February 26, 2010

Go Texan Day!

Maggie was so excited about dressing up for Go Texan Day at we ventured out this week in the sleet/snow and found her some pink cowboy boots. She has been wearing them EVERYWHERE. You can't really see the excitement in the picture above, but let's give the girl a break ~ her momma just woke her up from a deep sleep at 6:15 in the morning. :)

Maggie also has a pink cowboy hat and has been just waiting to wear it today. We get to school and I look inside her classroom and see a little girl wearing a pink cowboy hate. OH! CRAP! At about the same time, Maggie looked at me and said "Oh.No.Momma! My cowboy hat at home." (Again - OH! CRAP! - this is NOT going to be pretty!) and then she said, "Oh well. It's ok." Oh thank you Jesus! :)

2 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

Just adorable! And I hear you about being thankful when the expected meltdowns don't occur. Ahhhh, thank you Lord! Jen

Jocelyn said...

ohhhh... we had a Go Texan Day too. Gramma got Adrian cowboy boots, a very western shirt (seriously, I think it's Wranglers)from a resale shop and we have a cowboy hat here that they play with all the time. He loooooves his boots and wore them like everyday... up until Go Texan Day at school. That morning... did not go as well as yours did sad to say. I won the battle of the boot wearing, but not happily. Of course, at the end of the day while putting on PJs, he threw a fit about having to take the boots OFF... sigh...