Sunday, October 25, 2009

More fall fun

Yesterday we attended a fall festival for foster kiddos. 1st United Methodist Church in The Woodlands has a huge outreach ministry to foster families and they opened up their festival to all the foster care families in the surrounding area. We met up with some of our favorite friends and it was great to just be able to sit and chat and not have to explain anything to anyone...because everyone was in the same boat.

They had a great petting zoo, lots of bouncing thing-a-ma-jigs....I have no idea of what they're actually called, free food and a great hay maze that seriously took us about 20 minutes to get out of.

Here are some highlights from the day:

Once again, Maggie has no fear of the animals. She had no problem putting her hand in to try & pull the turtle's head out!
Petting the miniature donkey
Chasing a bunny
I'm pretty sure that this gavel weighed more than Maggie!
Lots of fun in the playground
On the bouncy-thing with her friend, Sariyah
I just think that this picture is too funny!
Maggie & Samari are just a few weeks apart. Big girls drinking from big girl cups.
And here is a collage of our time through the hay maze
Oh how I love this time of year!

2 Had Something To Say:

Jocelyn said...

loooove the big girl cups, but what about that picture above it where sariyah looks like she preparing to take a dump or something?!?! what an awkward and funny picture!! and fun, fun maze collage!

Jess Richey said...

You got some great pictures! Too bad Little Man didn't want to stay very long! =)