Monday, August 10, 2009

A bullet point update

I just realized that I haven't blogged in 11 days...shame on me. First one to blame is my new iPhone...because of her, I no longer have to get on my computer nearly as much. Unfortunately, it is VERY challenging and time consuming to blog on the iPhone, so I have found myself delayed in posting. Secondly, all 3 of us have been sick over the past 2 weeks, on and off...and well, enough said there.

So, while I have a free moment to breathe, I thought I'd just highlight some things that have been going on:

1. Maggie failed her sleep apnea test and therefore is required to have a CPAP test done. The orders for the test were drawn up 3 weeks ago. The doctor was out of the country and therefore couldn't sign the orders until her return last Thursday. (Not sure why another dr in the dept couldn't sign them...moving on.) Called the sleep clinic today to follow up. The Dr. finally signed the orders but they weren't actually forwarded to the sleep clinic. Thankfully, I called. She printed the orders out and said she'd give them to the sleep clinic doctor for review. This takes up to 6 business days. Seriously? It's no wonder why it takes 3 months to get an appointment at TCH. Ugh! So I will call back next Monday in hopes of getting her next sleep study scheduled.

2. I was able to get a copy of Maggie's test results through the Medical Records department, after completing 3 forms and sending in a check. They only accept cash or check. They charge $10 PER PAGE copied and won't copy the report until 50% of money is received, and won't release until 100% paid for. But, of course, can't tell you how many pages it will be. UGH! Now, I used to own a copying business and I can tell you that it does NOT cost $10 to copy one sheet of paper. Oh yeah, and I had to pay an extra $25 to "expedite it". Good news is that I received the results in the mail just 4 days after they were requested....and the bad news is the number of pages copied. I'll just keep that to myself (and my checkbook) Absolutely RIDICULOUS!

3. I have been trying and trying and trying to get Maggie enrolled in a Mother's Day Out program for months...without success! I couldn't get anyone to return my phone calls or reply to my emails, after many attempts. (at 4 different churches no less) Tonight, I laid down in bed and was just praying for something to open up, for someone to respond. As soon as I said AMEN, my iPhone dinged and I had a message from my first choice MDO! They just had a cancellation in Maggie's age group and they'll hold the space for her! Thank you Jesus! It's just across the street (3 of my nieces went there and they loved it) and it's Tues/Thurs from 9 - 2. These are my days to work from home, and while I love my time with Maggie, we feel it's vitally important for her to be around other kids and to be away from me. Now, I know that sounds strange, but let me explain. In the 13 months that we have had Maggie, she has only been away from me a handful of times....and all but 2 times, she was with Michael. It was so important for us to build that bond with her when we first got her and it took months for her to trust that we were going to even be in the next room when she woke up. So the bond has been created but now she suffers from EXTREME separation anxiety. I can't even go to the mailbox without her having a major meltdown. She just doesn't understand that Momma is going to come right back. She does just fine on the days when I go into the office, because I leave before she wakes up. As long as she doesn't see me first, she's ok. But if I were to try and leave her when she's up and about, forget about it. I'm going to stay positive and be hopeful that this will be a wonderful experience for her!

4. No news on the adoption front. That subsidy paperwork that was supposed to be denied in 2 days, hasn't been reviewed in almost a month. Yep. The legal department hasn't provided Maggie's redacted file yet until those 2 things happen, we can't move forward. So much for an August adoption. Looking forward to celebrating in September!

5. There was something else I wanted to say but now I can't remember what it was. Nothing new for me these days :)

2 Had Something To Say:

Jocelyn said...

Thanks for the update on everything. Sorry she failed the sleep test and now has more to do. Hang in there momma! I'm praying for the mom's day out program to go smoothly (for BOTH of you) and that there will be a quick adjustment to it.

Jess Richey said...

Praying for you and yours!