Tuesday, July 21, 2009

90 days!

I remember C (foster care caseworker) telling us that Texas now has a 90 day waiting period on adoptions once rights are terminated. We likened it to a possible "appeal" time frame. We weren't worried but we thought...man, another 90 days?! Well, the 90 days were up yesterday and the time FLEW by. I seriously don't know where the last 3 months went?!

So today, E (CPS adoption worker) submitted our subsidy paperwork to the state. It's part of the process. We know we'll be denied because Maggie doesn't qualify. They should return the denial very quickly (hopefully by end of the week).

We are still waiting for the legal department to provide us with Maggie's complete case history file for us to review. I don't think that we'll learn anything new, but you never know?! But we're required to read it (not sure why anyone would chose NOT to?!) We're also supposed to review it for our/Maggie's protection. Our personal information should be redacted from the file, but it allows us another look to make sure nothing was missed.

As we mark these milestones ~ termination of rights, Gotcha Day, end of waiting period ~ we are reminded over and over again that God is in control, that His timing is perfect, and that every hiccup/frustration/delay in the process that we felt along our journey was all a part of His plan all along. It's a great reminder to just sit back and enjoy the journey. We'll get to where we need to be, when we need to get there!

1 Had Something To Say:

Me! said...

Wow! That 90 days flew by! I'm so happy for you guys! You're almost there!