Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I want to blog today, but yet, no words are even coming to mind (as evident in the choice of my title today).

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately ~ catching a glimpse into others' lives ~ seeing pain and laughter, comfort and joy. At times, I find myself overwhelmed at what others are going through...and I think ~ geez, Court, get a grip...you have nothing to complain about! So what if the adoption process is taking a long time and going on a year now? You're not fighting a terminal illness, fighting depression, waiting for a transplant, watching your quads breathe each and every breathe in the NICU, lost your job, foreclosed on your house, wondering how to put food on my table at night, dealing with an elder parent's Alzheimers or dealing with raising children as a single parent. No, I am relatively healthy, all my organs are in working order, not living in the NICU, have a great job and home, have plenty of food in my frig, have healthy active (more active than me!) parents and a loving husband to come home to at night. I am blessed...but I still don't have my children.

I have realized that everyone has burdens to bear. And what might be a burden to one, might not be to another. And what might not seem like a burden to someone, could be the biggest burden for someone else. So, maybe we can just give ourselves a break, realize that there will be hard days, but keep pressing on KNOWING that God is in control and that His timing is perfect and that in HIS TIME, it will all be revealed to us and in His way.

I also want to enjoy life to the fullest during this waiting period. I keep telling myself these 3 things:
1. ALWAYS expect the unexpected.
2. Be flexible
3. I am NEVER in control, so don't sweat the small stuff!

We'll see how well I do with these.....

5 Had Something To Say:

boltefamily said...

Thank you for your prayers for our family! I am equally touched by your quest for a child through adoption. We also feel that is something we will pursue in the future but the whole process seems so incredibly difficult! You will be in our prayers as well! God will come through!

Court said...

It is a privelege to be praying for your family!

For those checking out the comments, please join me in prayer for this sweet family. You can check out their blog here:

Jenny said...

Preach it sister! Thanks for this encouraging post, Jen

Gila said...

Your attitude is right on target. If I may make one addition to your creed...remember that there are going to be days when you will feel discouraged, you will have doubts, you will feel sorry for yourself and you will feel as though the burden is too heavy to bear. Don't be too hard on yourself when this happens. You are human. This is normal for us. Roll with it; it will pass.

It is very easy to look at other people's blogs and think "wow--they have such healthy attitudes". The truth is (or so I think), that we all turn into snarly, whiny beasts now and then. The question is whether the snarly whiny bit gets a showing on our blogs! :)

May G-d answer your prayers.


Chris and Emily said...

Court - thanks for praying for our family and checking out our blog. I wanted to tell you that I have several friends going through similar journeys with adoption or infertility and I just wanted to say to never feel like your situation doesn't hold weight or merit. Broken hearts and shattered dreams are just that regardless of how they are wrapped up. I will be praying for your family and for your heart as you continue through your journey of both hope and pain.