Saturday, January 12, 2008

The latest....

It's 2008! Hard to believe that another year has come and gone! Here's an update on us:

* We welcomed in the New Year just as a couple, watching the ball fall in Times Square on NBC, and then shortly thereafter, found ourselves asleep in our bed. Man, are we old, or what?

* Michael celebrated another birthday ~ I won't reveal his age, but he did say that he feels much older this time around. Of course, he never fails to point out that I'm older than him!

* Michael has started a small business venture with 3 of his friends and is staying very busy with the business side of things. He is really excited about it and allows him to do something with one of his passions ~ movies and film.

* It's day 12 of 2008 and I believe that I've been sick every day so far. I've had a severe sinus infection and bronchitis ~ which has been no fun at all. I'm finally feeling a little better, although the cough still remains.

* Robyn, our caseworker, has returned from her holiday break and FINALLY turned in a draft of our final homestudy to us for review. This is not a common practice, but she is so much in support of us, she wanted to make sure that we agreed with everything in the document. The document is 35 pages long! It's really more of a short story, I guess. This "book" is what will be presented on our behalf to an agency or committee, when we are being considered as the adoptive parents. Therefore, this document is priceless to us. It's what they will first base their opinions and decisions on. No pressure, right?! So, we are carefully reviewing the document this weekend and returning it to Robyn on Monday. Once our homestudy document is officially completed, then our name is officially in the database, and we can be informed of kids that fit our criteria.

It's hard to believe that we started this process a year ago this month. We never knew what we would go through to get to this point....and we know, we have a lot more to endure, but we are confident and ready, excited and blessed to receive the children God has picked out just for us.

We'll be sure to keep you posted! We feel so blessed to have all of you praying for us, encouraging us, supporting us and rallying with us. We love you!

1 Had Something To Say:

Kelly said...

how exciting! another step closer! i think of your journey often; you are in my prayers.