Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Thoughts tonight....

As we prepare for tomorrow's visit (Wednesday 6pm)with the caseworker, many thoughts running through my mind.

There are the checklist thoughts: Did we move this, rearrange that, lock up this, throw out that, do this, do that......

There are the "OCD" thoughts: Are the couch pillows fluffed up enough? Are the baseboards clean enough? Is the lint off of the bed skirt in our room? Are the pictures covering our refrigerator straight enough? Are the chairs lined up right in the dining room? Are the towels straight on the racks? Are the canned goods organized alphabetically? (just kidding on that last one!)

There are the emotional thoughts: Will Robyn like us? Will she see us for who we truly are? Will our hearts be heard? Will we pass the test?

Then there are thoughts of unbelief....it's been 10 months of classes, forms and documentations, essays and training, and the 4 month wait for a caseworker to be assigned.....and tomorrow we will finally meet her!

Michael & I know that Robyn was chosen just for us and that the Lord's timing is perfect. We also know that even though Robyn is the final decision maker for the agency, we know that the Lord has the ultimate final decision in all areas of our lives.

My parents came over tonight to visit and surprised us with roses for our anniversary (4 years on Thursday!) Very sweet! We enjoyed the conversation and shared in the final results of Dancing with the Stars (ha!) But the best gift of all, were the prayers lifted up for us before they left. Michael & I are so thankful to have such wonderful, loving, God-fearing parents. Blessed indeed!

Throughout our marriage we have looked forward to having children. Infertility has only strengthened our desire to be parents, and we know in our hearts that adoption is the path God has for us. And because of this, we can rest comfortably tonight, knowing that the Lord has gone before us and will be with us tomorrow.

1 Had Something To Say:

the bakks said...

Courtney! I'll be praying for y'all tonight! How exciting!!