Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas 2007

I can't even begin to tell you how fun it has been to decorate our house for Christmas this year. Those of you who know me well, know that Christmas is my favorite time of year and that I go ALL OUT with Christmas decorating. I spent all last weekend working on my crafts for the year with my mom and my friend, Sally. We didn't finish until 3am ~ now, that's dedication!

Now, that we're in a new house this Christmas, we have much more room and many more places to decorate. I'm a firm believer that any flat space should have something on it :) So, our 7 ft tree is all trimmed with white lights and ornaments from past and present, some gifts under the tree already, mantle decorated with a great message of BELIEVE with the stockings hung, our Department 56 village is shining bright - offering us stories of what is going on in each little home or storefront and plenty of other lights and candles everywhere. It has been so fun to get into the spirit of Christmas and pull out all the Christmas music :)

While all of the decorations, lights, trees, and music are fun, it is just a small part of what Christmas is. This is season that we choose to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. What an incredible gift God gave us the day His Son was born and given to us. Let us enjoy the fun traditions of decorating and such, but let us not forget the reason for the season.

I'll post some pictures soon of the house. Stay tuned.

Love to you all!

1 Had Something To Say:

Anonymous said...

Michael and Courtney,
It's so great to have some time to reconnect with you all. And I'm with you--I love to decorate for Christmas!! May your Christmas be full and blessed by JESUS the reason for the season.
Love to you all,