Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Results of 200+ pieces

1. Open box.

2. Pull out pieces of wood.

3. Pull out more pieces of wood.

4. Find bags (yes, plural) of bolts, screws, nails, dowels, washers, and other items never seen before.

5. Scream over the new knowledge that there are over 200 pieces of hardware to put this "great deal" together!

6. Look for instruction book.

7. Find instruction book at the bottom of everything.

8. Scream again when you realize that there are 38 steps to putting this "great deal" together.

9. Start at 7:00pm.

10. Finish at 9:30pm.

Final result:

11. Bag up all left over pieces of hardware, in hopes that you followed the instructions properly and the company was just being generous with extra pieces!

2 Had Something To Say:

Shanyn Zink said...

I LOVE IT!!! And wow - that looks good. What is it for?

Anonymous said...

This is great--I can totally relate to the experience from putting together my Ikea desk a couple of weeks ago (3 parts--table, bookshelf, drawers). OK honestly, Dad did it, but I did hold the instructions. One better yet: a trunk bought at Jysk this week that came with NO instructions!! Not just some assembly required, but some creativity required as well! Moral of the story: Beware of any furniture retailer with a four-letter name...there is a reason!!!!