Tuesday, October 02, 2007

24 pages later....

and dare I say it, our last paperwork has been completed and forwarded to the agency for review. This was all that was needed to complete our file and to be assigned a case worker for our homestudy. We have been told that we SHOULD get a caseworker assigned to us in the next 2 weeks, but we're doubtful that it will actually be that soon.

We still have to complete childproofing the kitchen cabinets....this is probably one of the few times that I've procrastinated on a project. It's so time consuming and frustrating! But we just need to get it done.

We'll keep you posted with an update as soon as we hear anything. Thanks for your prayers!

1 Had Something To Say:

Shanyn Zink said...

WHAT?! Courtney is actually procrastinating on something??!!! I have to admit I kind of relished reading that part, because it would seem I can relate too much to that habit. Not so much procrastinating, but somehow just not getting it done. :) Many times, just FORGETTING to make a point to get it done. Anyway, I had to say it. Please childproof your cabinets. ;) Love, Shanyn