Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Just looking....

This is what happens when you go to IKEA to "just look".

Suddenly, what once was this.....

Now looks like this.....

I love bright & whimsical and just couldn't resist....what could be more fun that hippos, lions, giraffes, camels, ducks, crocodiles, turtles and more....

Here are a few items we also got for the other bedroom ~ still working on the decor for this one.

2 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

Oh my gosh--so cute! That "just looking" is hard business! I'm going to "just look" at Old Navy with the babes today--can't help it if a few things leap into the basket can I? Love ya, jen

Shanyn Zink said...

Oh, I how wish I was blessed with getting things doneitis at times. The kids aren't even here yet, and you've got things ready and DECORATED. Ugh. But I'm so happy that they'll (the children) will have a beautiful fun atmosphere. :) and mom and dad who love them. Hi, Michael!