Thursday, September 06, 2007

Another inspection passed!

Well folks....we did it! We passed the Fire Marshall's inspection of our home on Friday! WHOO HOO! Thanks to my friend Byron (who is a firefighter) for pointing me in the right direction and providing me with the link to the Checklist that the FM would use on the inspection. The FM went straight down the checklist! Needless to say, all the preparation paid off since we passed with flying colors! It only took about 15 minutes for her to complete the inspection...and I, I was stressed over this?! Now, if we didn't have the checklist, we wouldn't have passed! I mean, who has a latch over their attic door, a fire escape plan posted in the house with a fire drill schedule, a 10 foot radius "item free" by their breaker box...just to name a few things we had to do!

Michael & I have still not received much contact from our agency and we have given them another 2 weeks to contact us, provide us with an update...anything....if that time comes and goes without anything, we will move to another agency. We have really tried to avoid this, due to the red-tape involved in transfering our file; however, if they're not doing anything for us anyway, the extra time won't make a difference.

We know that God is in control and His timing is perfect ~ that is our comfort during the quiet times! We'll keep you posted!

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