Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our new best friend....

Yes, we are happy to introduce you to our new best friend, Ryobi. Ryobi has been a life saver over the past few weeks. He has been there just when we've needed him. He's pushed us farther than we ever thought imaginable and hasn't given up on us once. Nothing is too difficult or too small for Ryobi. He really has been a true helper and supporter in all our efforts to childproof our house. There's no telling where we'd be without Ryobi....probably still putting in

screws with a Phillipshead screwdriver and going insane!
p.s. no, we're not done with the cabinets yet. It took us 30 minutes just to get the first cabinet lock on! We decided that we had finally mastered it and would take a break....that was 3 days ago!

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