Tuesday, August 14, 2007

After many phone calls....

we finally got our 2 inspections scheduled for the Fire Marshall. The A/C guy and plumber will be out on Monday to do their inspections. It really was incredible how much people wanted to charge for their services. Now granted, if something were actually WRONG, then ok...but nothing's wrong with our A/C unit and we don't have a gas leak. In any event, we have to have it done and it do any good to complain about it. However, after all that we've gone through, I have decided that on my much needed vacation next week, that I am going to take the time to write the people that have been elected to represent me and offer up my thoughts on the whole foster care system and the process that goes along with adoption. That's what they're there for, right?!

On another note, we have had no response from our agency and are feeling really left out in limbo. A few people that we have met along the way, who have already gone through the system, have suggested that we contact another agency to possibly transfer our file. I'm not sure what all is involved in that, however, I do know that everything that we've done to date would be the same, regardless of the agency. We're just praying about what to do, as we don't want to delay anythign any longer.

Michael & I leave on Thursday for a much needed vacation. Just a time to get away, relax and not be overwhelmed with the process of everything. Plus, who knows, when the next time will be that we can actually go somewhere alone for more than a day?! So, we're taking advantage of the time now.

We'll keep you posted on how things progress as we know more. We love you guys and appreciate your friendships and encouragement along our journey.

1 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

So glad you are going to get a bit of rest! I'll pray that the Lord will provide clarity on what to do about the agency...how frustrating! Have a wonderful time Court, Jen