Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Off for some R&R

Yes, I'm still doing laundry. Yes, I still need to finish packing the bags. Yes, I organized the CDs in the order that we would be listening to them a week ago :)

Michael & I are excited about our trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas. We'll be heading out bright and early tomorrow morning(actually, it will be dark and early) ~ it's about a 6 hour not too bad.

We've rented a condo on Lake Hamilton and we are so excited to be out of Houston, away from work and getting a break from the adoption process ~ even if for just a few days.

I'll be sure to post some pictures of our time away when we get back. In the meantime, hope life is good for you all!

1 Had Something To Say:

Jenny said...

oooh, that sounds lovely. Hope you guys had a fabulous time accompanied by good music from all of those carefully chosen and organized CDs:) Love ya, Jen