Friday, June 01, 2007


It was 11pm on a Thursday, when I found myself gathering up our homework and assignments to send off to Dennis at I went through the checklist, I shrieked! OH NO! We didn't do Chapter 3's homework. How did we miss this? (maybe because we had 22 assignments to complete between the 2 of us!) MAYBE it will be an easy one and we can get it done real quick. All of a sudden I had that instant panic feeling of when I was in college, remembering that something was due the next morning and what was I going to do!? I have been so good about organizing everything, keeping up with our assignments, staying on top of things, never a procrastinator...I just couldn't believe that I missed it!

So I quickly went to Chapter 3, section 9 and found 6 pages that needed to be filled out. Not only were there 6 pages for each of us, but it was also one of the more intense sections we covered. Needless to say, it was now 11:15pm, Michael was already asleep, I still had a load of laundry in the washer that needed to be transfered to the dryer and our lunches weren't ready for the next day. The decision was made....the packet of paperwork will just have to be mailed on Monday.

Well, if this taught me anything, it's this. Things happen. Things get missed. Plans change and I just need to go with the flow. Our last session of training was all about change...and how our world will be changing in more ways than we can ever imagine in the months to come. So, I guess this was just a glimpse of my ever-changing world. Funny thing is...I woke up this morning, and the world hadn't come to an end....who would've thought?! (ha!)

1 Had Something To Say:

Anonymous said...

Well Court ~ I think you just passed you first test as a parent! Things didn't go according to your neat little plan, and yet the world didn't end! ha ha ha I read this almost laughing out loud... not just because I know you so well to know you probably didn't sleep very well, but because that is so ME!!! This is too cool because if God ever blesses me with a husband and children, I will have the advantage of seeing you deal with it all first! God is indeed good!

At least you caught it before you sent it! Hang in there, the ride has just begun!

Love and many prayers ~ Dina