Wednesday, January 04, 2012

What comes easy

Normally when us mommas share about our children, the topics revolve around the difficulties we have with child rearing.  We can spent countless hours discussing potty training, naps, preschools, behavior problems, eating issues, and anything else that concerns our kiddos.  We will sit and console each other over our sleepness nights, spilled milk, notes sent home for school, or the always popular "what happened when I went to Target with my child" story. 

Now, of course, we can all learn great parenting tips and survival hints from each other during these discussions, but what if we were to share something that came easy with our child?

Wow, something that came easy? Not bragging about how "sweet" or "polite" our child is, but rather something that they do that causes us very little hassle.

I honestly had to sit back and think hard. At first I really thought nothing was easy with Maggie. But after a few minutes, it finally hit me.  A few things had come easy with Maggie.  She would eat and continues to eat anything and everything. She is such a great eater! And she has never had an issue with taking long naps every day or going to sleep at night and staying asleep.  In the past, I had never focused on what had come easy. Instead I had found it easier to focus on the difficulties.

I feel a little lighter on my feet as a mom.  Focusing on the positive traits of my daughter instead of dwelling on the daily struggles of being a momma has allowed me to see Maggie in a new light. 

Moms - what comes easy for you with your child?  It might be a revealing and refreshing way to encourage each other in the season of mothering.


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