Monday, January 09, 2012

Broken Pieces

We were on our way to an African Children's Choir concert and I was so excited because I was going to be able to see one of my old kiddos from ACC12, Eva - who is now the chaperone from this choir, ACC38. 17 years later and we will meet again.  The moon was soooo bright and full - it was if the sun was shining.

Maggie was in her one of her inquisitive/questioning moments, where hundred of questions are asked before any of them can be answered. Where/what/why/how/did you know.... etc.  Then this amazing conversation took place.

"Momma, you know how the moon has broken pieces sometimes? (half moon, crescent, etc.)
"Yes" I said.
"Jesus put all the pieces back together tonight and made the moon whole, right, Momma?"
"Yes" I said, smiling.
"You know how little kids like me have broken pieces? Well, Jesus will put all my broken pieces back together and make me whole, too. Right, Momma?"

I was completely taken back. Not at all what I thought would come out of her little mouth. I just figured it would be yet another questions. And yet, the wisdom from my sweet girl just overwhelmed me. I didn't have words to say. As I continued driving, tears streamed down my face and I praised the Lord right there for how He has worked in her life and what He is doing, even when we don't know it.  We have never once mentioned anything to Maggie about being broken or being in pieces, so I have no idea of where that concept came from - other than the Lord.

A few minutes later, I hear Maggie whispering and I figure she is talking to her imaginary friend.  She doesn't like talking to us about this friend, so when she has these little talks, we just let her be. I heard her say Jesus a few times, but being that I knew she wasn't talking to me, I didn't say anything. 

She then says, "Momma, I was just talking to Jesus and he said that I was going to be just great!"

Yes, you are, Maggie Joy.....yes, you are!

21 Had Something To Say:

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for sharing this today how incredible how God works in us in some many ways. He is definitely working in Maggie's life.


Anonymous said...

Court ~ OH MY GOSH! You should have warned me I would be crying! That is so beautiful and so like God. No wonder He said we should all come to Him like little children… I don’t think either of us can fathom how God is going to use your sweet Maggie, but I know it’s gonna be something to behold!

Love you ~ Dina

Anonymous said...

Oh how precious! Courtney you and Michael have surrounded her with such wonderful love and shared Jesus with her! She is the Lords and he is taking care of her. The amazing part is that she sees it! Children have such better eyes than we do! They are so innocent, so free to see. I pray that we learn from Maggie's words of wisdom too :)

Anonymous said...

soooooooo.... sweet! :)

Thank you for sharing!

Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

Goodness Court- tears are streaming down my face! How amazing, that's all I can say. Love you!Jen

Anonymous said...

So so so thrilled that God gave you this precious little girl to raise! We are so fortunate to have these children... And "Katie" in Kisses From Katie is just making me believe that we need to have more! Be careful if you read it!!! Melissa L

Anonymous said...

Oh, Courtney, what a precious conversation ... and what a precious heart she has.

Jo Lynn

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing Courtney! That is so brought tears to my eyes. Praying you are doing well and that 2012 is a great year for you and your family.


Anonymous said...

How precious Courtney!!! Praise God for whole moons and how Jesus can fix broken hearts and put the pieces together like the full moon. WOW!!!
Thank God for His revelation to Maggie at such an impressionable age!!
Praise God too for trips to be reunited with old friends and full moons on the way.
Thanks Courtney for sharing this via email!!
another confirmation today for me of God's goodness, His faithfulness, and His awesomeness!!!
in His grip,

Anonymous said...

Wow, so amazing and precious! Save that conversation forever Court. God is sooooo good. Amen.

love you,


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! How precious!! I would have been sobbing!!

I love how she knows she will be ok but so sad to think that she is broken. I have gone through some of this with Lauren, as she has dyslexia and ADD, and the fact that she was adopted. She always felt that she was different and did not quite fit in but has now learned that she is not different and does fit in. God has given her the gifts she has because she like everyone else God created is beautifully and wonderfully made! She is exactly who God designed her to be so that she can fullfill the mission that God has assigned especially for her.

Thank you for sharing! How blessed you, Michael and Maggie are to have each other! Just as God intended!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! that's all i can say. YHVH is good!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely incredible!! Out of the mouths of babes!! And indeed she's going to be GREAT!! She already is!
Love mom

Anonymous said...

hallelujah!! oh courtney this is so beautiful! praise God. He works wonders and will continue to do so i know. I'm writing with one hand so will make this short :) i will forward to my mom as that is her heart in praying for people, she will be so happy too.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful moment! I just love seeing God's fingerprints all over our babies' hearts - it is such a beautiful, humbling thing. I'm so glad that Maggie is doing well!!

what a blessing to my heart today!


Anonymous said...

O. my. My face is still wet from awe and thanks and rejoicing and praise and my love for the Lord being renewed and the "wonders of His love". He is doing/has done a wonder in and for Maggie that speaks to me of how much he Wants to be that close and to talk to all of us!!

I want to hear from Jesus like Maggie. O man that was sooo powerful.

Thank you so much for sharing what God truly is doing in Maggie and ya'lls life.

I bet the Lord had her say that for as much ur benefit as hers-to let u know he truly is working in her life and is that close to her. Talk about putting a mama's heart at ease.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

That is so precious!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's amazing, Court!

Anonymous said...

That brought tears to my eyes.