Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Surgery Scheduled

We finally received confirmation this morning that Maggie's surgery will take place Friday morning. The plan is to have her tonsils and adenoids removed, as well as tubes put in her ears. Normally, this is an outpatient surgical procedure and not a big deal, however, due to Maggie's age and her severe sleep apnea, we have been told to expect to be admitted for 3 -5 days. We are hopeful that this is just a precaution and won't be necessary. We know that we will have to stay at least 1 day.

Even though the procedure is necessary and I know will make her feel so much better, it's still hard to let go of your little one...but we know that God's hands will be directly the surgeons hands and that His presence will be known in that operating room.

Please pray that the surgery is without any complications, that the surgeons have steady hands and clear minds, that Maggie recovers well, and that Momma & Daddy remain composed and able to comfort our sweet little one.

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