Friday, May 23, 2008

One step closer....

We had a great meeting with Kimberly this afternoon. We felt instantly comfortable with her and liked her immediately! Of course, neither of us are really all that difficult to like or talk to :)

Kimberly said that we had one of the most thorough homestudies that she's ever seen in her years of being a caseworker. Thanks, Robyn! At least one positive thing came out of our experience with our former agency. Because of this, her addendum will just be a short addition to our homestudy. She hopes to have it completed by mid-week and then it will be sent off to Austin for the State to assign us a number and officially put us in the system. This usually takes aoubt 5 days, so we're hoping that everything will be completed and official by mid-June!

Now, quite a few of you have asked why are we having to resubmit everything to the State when we've already been approved. Well, after we transfered our case to H4G, we found out that while LSSS approved us, they never submitted our paperwork to the State, and therefore, although we were truly wasn't on the State, but rather on the agency. So, in the end, we left the agency without an official approval from the State.

Had we known this before the transfer, we wouldn't have transfered the case. Because in all reality, according to the regulations of the State of Texas, we should have had to start everything all over when we moved to H4G. BUT GOD in His infinite wisdom and power, allowed us to make the move without us knowing this, trusting in Him and in His ways, and He made a way, when there really shouldn't have been one.

I honestly don't know how people go through this life without Christ. How do they handle the pressures of every day life, let alone the deeper struggles of building a family through adoption or fertility treatments, health problems, financial struggles, job security, rising gas prices? (well, let's not go there!) It is BECAUSE of our personal relationship with the Lord and our faithfulness to follow Him, even when we didn't know where we were going, that we are where we are today. Nothing happens by accident. There is a reason for everything . God's timing is perfect. He is all knowing.....and even when we have no idea of what is going on or where we are headed, it's comforting to know He does!

Thanks so much for all your prayers and encouragement today. Your love was felt in ways you'll never know! We are so thankful for our family and friends and the wonderful support system that you all are to us. Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend. Let's not forget those who have made the sacrifices for the freedoms we so easily take for granted.

2 Had Something To Say:

Anonymous said...

Court ~ I am so excited for you and Michael! I am sure it seems hard to believe that things are moving so smoothly now, but God's timing is perfect and in Him we know that there has been a reason for the delay, even if we never know why we still trust Him!

I am here for you whatever you need... just let me know! I love and miss you both ~ Dina

Erica said...

Court - Thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement. Your comments mean so much to me. Thank you for celebrating our miracle with us!

I am praying for your journey as well. Sounds like God is moving in big ways!