Tuesday, May 06, 2008

On to the next stage....

Yes! We are on to the next stage! We have completed all the requirements (paperwork, classes, etc.) to officially have our file transfered from our old agency! YEAH!

We took our last class last week and our file was scheduled to be handed off to a caseworker yesterday. Once the caseworker is assigned, they will come out and meet with us and since our homestudy is current, they should be able to just attach an addendum to it and re-submit to the state.

We are in the process of creating our lifebook ~ which is basically a scrapbook of our life....pictures of us, our families, our friends, our house, pets, etc....this will be submitted along with our homestudy when we are being considered as a possible match. I've been stressing out about the lifebook....I think,no I know, I am making it much more stressful than it needs to be.

Again, the experience as a whole our agency, H4G, has just been amazing. It's such a stark difference from our last agency. You know how oftentimes you don't realize how bad something was, until you see how good something is.....well, that is definitely the case with us. There have been plenty of times when we have said...What if we had found them first? We'd probably have had children in our home a long time ago. But the thing is, we didn't find them first. We went through a lot of trying times to get to where we are now. Nothing is an accident. Nothing is in vain. God is in control. He is with us on our journey and we have learned more about ourselves than we thought possible. We also know that without a doubt, after all this time, that God has called us to do this, and because of that, it has been worth it.

Thanks so much for all your encouragement, prayers and support....stay tuned :)

1 Had Something To Say:

Jocelyn said...

CONGRATULATIONS on getting everything submitted and being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel! With both of my babies there have been absolute confirmation that their entrance into my home was fully God's perfect plan- that the exact timing and exact placement was in complete perfection. With all the heartache (I don't know your story- if you tried for biological children, etc... but for me there was heartache) and then the time and work, the waiting... and then you have that child and see exactally why that time was needed... and that the time was perfect. Again, congratulations and keep pressing onward.