Friday, May 09, 2008

Mother's Day

With all of the activity on Mother's Day, people tend to forget about women who cannot become mothers. Mother's Day is an incredibly painful time for infertile women...whether they are in the midst of infertility treatments or have come to terms with the inability to carry their own child. You cannot get away from it...there are ads on the TV, posters at the stores, church sermons devoted to celebrating motherhood, and all of the plans for celebrating with your own mother and mother-in-law. I was even wished a "Happy Mother's Day" from a 16 year old boy this evening at Krogers. I guess I look like a mom?

Mother's Day is an important celebration and one that I know will relish in once I am a mother. However, it is very painful while I am waiting for my children. Remember your infertile friends on Mother's Day, and send them a card to let them know you are thinking of them. They will appreciate knowing that you haven't "forgotten" them.

I had hoped that this year would be different....but another year has passed and still no children in our home that call me Mama. But I have hope in the promises of My Heavenly Father and trust that next year will be different :)

I receive a newsletter every month from Bethany Christian Services, called Stepping Stones and there was a great article posted that I wanted to share:

This Much I Know Is True (by Autumn Schoeck)

*There are many things I don't know about God's plan for my life, but I have learned to be content. I believe His willf or each of us is that we will be content - content with our life, our surroundings, and every aspect of who we are. ~ Philippians 4:11-13

I have learned to be content because this much I know is true!

*Difficult times will come. John 16:33b

*We can be confident that God does not intend difficult times to defeat us. In difficult times, His purpose for our lives is always good. Romans 8:28

*The longer we endure difficult times, the more patient, humble, and trusting we become. Romans 5:3-5

*Time is but a fraction of eternity. Miracels are what they are because they don't happen every day. Give your miracle some time. Remember, God is able to do far more than we ask or imagine! Ephesians 3:20-21

*We cannot predict how and when God will bless us with the miracle He has in mind for us. To some, the miracle may come in the birth of a baby, to others in the adoption of a child, and to others in contentment as a family of two. In the meantime, sit back in confidence and watch your life unfold. Psalm 31: 14-15a

For those of us Moms in waiting...may you be encouraged by these verses and thoughts...and may you hearts be full of peace and confidence this weekend, and in the days/weeks/months to come!

1 Had Something To Say:

Rusty and Jennifer said...

Beautifully written, Courtney!
I am praying for you today and cannot wait for the day that you are surrounded by children On Mother's Day, crawling into your bed to serve you breakfast!