Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Checklist....Take 2!

Here we go again.....another checklist. Every agency has their own requirements and documentation, so I have been going through the new checklist and thankfully have been able to mark off quite a few documents that we already have completed. I just need to scan and email them to the paperwork guru at H4G. Of course, there are a few documents that weren't required at LSSS, but thankfully they're just one page documents to be signed.

This is one time that I can honestly say how thankful I am to my OCD on staying organized!!!! LSSS is being rather difficult (that's a nice way of putting it) in releasing information to H4G. Our caseworker offered to photocopy our entire file and send to H4G, but that's against LSSS' policies. They won't even release any of the information to us personally, which I find to be quite ridiculous, since we were the ones who provided them the confidential information. Robyn is in agreement with us, but apparently our case has become quite a battle...and they don't want to help us out. So......I certainly am thankful that I made a copy of every single piece of paper that was sent to LSSS....and thankfully, H4G is more than happy to accept our copies!

So far our overall experience with H4G has just been wonderful. Sometimes you don't realize how bad something was, until you experience something positive...and that's how it's been for us in dealing with H4G. From the way that each person cheerfully answers the phone, to the time the Director spends with us on the phone, to the quick turn around on voicemail and email messages, to the attitudes of each person we've come in contact there. It's been very refreshing, especially in light of all that we endured with LSSS.

3 Had Something To Say:

Rusty and Jennifer said...

I am so glad that you are having a better experience. Thanks for all of your encouragement on my blog. You guys are definitely in my prayers as you take this new step in your journey to parenthood!
You are going to be such great parents. You have so much to give and your children will be blessed to be a part of your family!

Jocelyn said...

You don't know me-- I just happened one day to click on your name from Joel and Jenny's blog. BUT- I am a foster mommy and have 2 wonderful babies right now in my care. Reading through how long you guys have been working on all your stuff made me so frustrated for you and I wished I had come across you sooner! I not only am a foster mommy but I work for a private foster/adopt agency and wish I could have told you how badly things were going for you!! I don't know if you are going for straight adoption or are doing foster to adopt, but I want you to know that all your work will be rewarded and it will all come to an end in a wonderful precious child. These kiddos that need homes out there are the most wonderful, precious beings I have ever come across in my life. It is hard, it is frustrating, it is heart breaking at times, but it is all worth it to see the growth in them, to see the change in them, to have that moment when they realize they are safe and loved, and that it comes from you. I applaud you for pressing on through what sounds like a VERY long process you've been put through and am so glad that God has led you to a place where you can be verified and finally use the gifts you have been given and give the love that you have. Keep pressing forward- the rewards are more than you can imagine.

Jenny said...

I too am so thankful for this new turn of events AND for your OCD:) Wish you could throw a little my way! Love you and am praying for a continued great relationship with this new organization, Jenny