Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Another packet off....

Over the weekend, Michael & I completed yet another stack of paperwork and got it sent off to Dennis yesterday. This packet included individual questionnaires on our parental skills and about our marriage. We had to complete one on ourselves as well as for our spouse/co-parent. It was somewhat difficult to answer some of the questions. You worry that you will say the wrong thing or wonder how they will react to your response, so you try to word everything just right while still remaining honest and true to yourselves. Again, it's one of those things that most people don't really think about...it's just what happens or how you respond, etc. When you have to put all your answers to every kind of situation down on paper and how you will respond, discipline, react, etc ~ that's when it gets a little difficult.

After Michael & I completed our forms, we got together to discuss them. Amazingly enough, we gave the same answers. That's a good thing, right?! That means we're on the same page (so to speak) and that we know each other so well. We both struggled with writing down our own strengths and weaknesses of ourselves as a spouse and as a parent, as well as having to say the same thing about each other. Funny thing though - we did write down the same weaknesses and strengths on each other. Honestly, I wrote down that my weakness as a parent would most likely be that I'll be too lenient and then that Michael won't be lenient enough. I thought that it might come across the wrong way but Michael thought that it showed balance. I tried so many ways to reword it to make it sound just right, then we stopped, prayed about it and just left it the way that we had initially responded. We're not perfect. They're not looking for perfect people. We answered the questions honestly. We're confident that they'll understand our hearts and appreciate our honesty.

We start our 1st of 3 all day Saturday trainings this weekend. We will be in training from 8:00am - 6:00pm....whew...that's a long day! We're both really curious to see what all we're going to discuss, learn and experience through this training. I'm sure I'll have plenty to report after Saturday. We're just excited to get this going and to be able to complete all of our training by the end of May.

Often times it seems like things are moving extremely slow but then there are times where it is just flying by! All in God's timing though....

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