Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Interview with Maggie Joy

one, two, three, FOUR....

our sweet girl is FOUR today.

that's right....FOUR.

which clearly means that it's time for

Q&A with the FOUR YEAR OLD of the house:
Q: what is your name?

A: maggie goy (joy)

Q: what animal do you like?

A: a moo-cow

Q: what is your favorite color?

A: red...and white....and yellow...and green (ok, next question)

Q: where do you like to go?

A: the icecream place

Q: why do you like to go to the icecream place?

A:  for icecream, silly!

Q: what store do you like to go to?

A: HEB for Buddy bucks

Q: what do you like to play?

A: SuperWhy to the rescue

Q: what do you like to do outside?

A: play with my wow wow wubbzy ball

Q: what do you like to do with daddy?

A: play

Q: like what?

A: with my toys and doddle

Q: what do you like to do with momma?

A: like to paint

Q: what do you like to do with Buddy?

A: play with daddy’s socks

Q: do you know bible words?

A: (begins to sing) The B-I-B-L-E that’s the book for me. Stand on word of God. Bible…BIBLE!

Q: do you know any more bible words?

A: Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah! (in the singing mood I guess)

Q: what do you do when you are four?

A: it’s my birthday and I blow the candles out

Q: what is something momma always says to you?

A: no.

Q: what makes momma happy?

A: when i listen.

Q: what makes momma sad?

A: when i no listen.

Q: what food do you most like to eat?

A: hotdogs, peanut butter, chips, yogurt, applesauce and cheese…is that enough?

Q: what do you like to drink?

A: coke (never drinks this!) and dr. pepper (again, never drinks it)

Q: where do you go to school?

A: away from our house to school

Q: who are your teachers?

A: Mrs. Linas (Salinas) and Miss Landa (Yolanda)

Q: can you count?

A:one, two, free, four, five, eleven, eighteen

Q: who are your friends?

A: Shelby, Gaby, Maya, Isabela, Riyah, Adrian

Q: who is in your family?

A: Daddy, Momma, Buddy, Nana, Dandy, and too many people

Q: how are you and momma the same?

A: we both girls

Q: how are you and momma different?

A: you're old and i'm not.

Q: how do you know momma loves you?

A: BIG much.

Q: But HOW do you know?

A: because we love each other.

Q: what do you want to do when you get bigger?

A: I want to do stuff.

Q: like what?

A: play with animals at the icecream place and have ladybugs because they don’t hurt us.

Maggie: "now, we done, momma?"
Me: Yes, we're done.  Anything else you want to say?
Maggie: Nope. I've said enough :)

Sweet Maggie Joy,

You are such a delight to us. We are so blessed to be your momma & daddy and we couldn't love you more, if we tried. You are so smart! You are so pretty! You are so funny!  You are our most favorite girl in the whole wide world and can't believe that you are already 4 years old.

Always remember how much we love you - BIG much!  The whole wide the moon, up around the sky and back! (that's what you say when we ask you)

Have a wonderful year being four!  Play, laugh, love and have fun.

We love you BIG much,
Momma & Daddy

1 Had Something To Say:

Jocelyn said...

i LOOOOOOVE this!! so much fun!!! I love her ambitions for when she grows up... sounds like a GREAT plan to me! ohhhhh Maggie, sweet, silly, funny Maggie! :)