Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Horrible blogger

Coming up on a month of not blogging...I'm sure a horrible blogger these days. And my last post was basically saying the same thing :(

I really do intend to write a post about Halloween and all the fun fall adventures...seriously...really. I know many of you keeping checking in to find that there is nothing here. Oh, don't you hate that?!

I am currently covering for someone in my office while she is out on maternity leave, and this has basically doubled my work load. Because of this - gasp! - I haven't had time to blog during the day. Pitiful, right?! Then we have therapy 3 nights a week, so those nights are out and honestly, I've just been sooo tired lately.

But I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here...Maggie's doing great....and I will post some fun stories and pictures of the beauty herself very soon. (Just not right now, because I don't have time to blog at work, which is where I am right now - at work, blogging about how I don't have time to blog). Gotta love it.

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