Monday, December 21, 2009

Potty Training Day 3

Remember in my previous post how I was a bit apprehensive about getting too excited about how well Maggie did on days 1 & 2.....I should've gone with that feeling and stuck to it.

Maggie woke up in a bit of a crabby mood, but she was still excited about putting on her big girl panties. However, she refused to put anything else on. No shirt, no pants, no socks...nothing. Ok....fine. It's only 65 degrees in the house. Go ahead. Be cold. I'm not going to fight you. Well, honestly, I did fight with her about it but eventually gave up.

Every 15 minutes, I set the timer but Maggie always ended up needing to go potty before the timer was up. How can someone go to the bathroom so much? I mean, seriously - every single time she sits on the potty she goes. Well, then she had an accident. Ok. No problem. Change panties. Move on. 5 minutes later, another accident...and another...and another....and another. I think you can see the pattern of the first hour of the day. Good grief - are you kidding me? She would always say it after she went. Momma was getting a bit frustrated but I was careful to not express it to her.

She was going so often and not getting to the potty on time, that I decided to bring the potty chair into the living room, where we were spending the morning. Apparently, she didn't like that at all. I don't know if she was embarrassed, which didn't seem to be the case, or what - but she wasn't about to go to the potty in the living room. She then declared that "Momma better put the potty back in the bathroom" as she screamed...and then demanded to have a diaper put back on. After 6 changes of panties and a few tantrums (hers, not mine) - I relented. It was close to nap time anyway. So, she took her nap and I moved the potty chair back to it's original place. I was hopeful that she might want to put on her panties after nap....wasted hope, my friends, wasted hope. She wasn't going to have anything to do with those things today. So, I decided to just let her wear the diaper, and we'll see how things go tomorrow.

Positive note - she did use the potty in between diaper changes right before bed and we talked about waking up and putting on the panties. She seemed excited about it - so we shall see...we shall see.

Days 1 & 2 were 3 NOT so much. There's always tomorrow, right?!

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