Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Still waiting....

I just called our caseworker to see where we were on getting our addendum signed off and to the state. She said that she passed it on for final review on Monday and it's out of her hands right now. It's still being reviewed.

I know that we're not the only family with the agency, but it is still frustrating to be waiting on something that, in my opinion, should have been done a long time ago. BUT, I also know that God's timing is perfect, and as frustrated as we might be, I know that these hiccups and hangups are all for a reason and with the full picture in view....maybe not to us, but to our God.

I am thankful for a God who delights in impossibilities and who asks, "Is anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)

2 Had Something To Say:

The Whitmarsh Crew said...

Hi Courtney, I didn't know you guys were trying to adopt. I'll be praying for you and your journey through the process. And, I love the pictures of Samantha, Gabriella, Maya, and Isabella. It seems like it's been forever since I've seen those guys. I'll keep visiting your blog for more updates!

Rusty and Jennifer said...

So glad that I could be a connector in the blog world! :)
Thanks for always being so encouraging with your blog comments.
I am praying for you in this waiting time. I cannot imagine how frustrating all of this red tape is. But, I know that God has gone before you and I pray that you will meet your precious child soon.