Friday, April 11, 2008

100th Post!

Happy 100th Post (to myself, I guess!) and to my faithful journey walkers.

We attended our orientation meeting on Tuesday night. We didn't learn anything new, but it was nice to meet some staff members of the agency and to be able to stay behind and just talk to them for a little bit. We were more than encouraged by their spirits and genuine enthusiasm to have us join their "family". One distinct difference in the two agencies ~ both said that they were Christian based, but Homes4Good is definitely walking the walk! Our trainer said that they always open up every session in prayer...what a blessing!

We were supposed to attend a class for adoptive parents last night, but it has been rescheduled for May 15th. It was a bit disappointing to know that we have to wait another month to finish up our classwork, but what's another month, right? I mean, it's not like we're counting, or anything. (16+ months)

We have completed all but one item on our paperwork transfer checklist. Our goal is finish up our Narratives (yes, more questions to answer) this weekend. We are hoping that the agency will not put our case on hold, while we wait for the final class, and that we can move forward with getting assigned a caseworker. Once a caseworker has been assigned, he/she will come out to meet us and review our current homestudy. Since our homestudy is so recent (just finalized in January), they just want us to review it and make any changes/additions that we might like. This was good news to hear, because there were a few things we wanted to see changed, that our former agency was not willing to work with us on. We are so glad that the Lord led us to Homes4Good.

As for other news, we're looking forward to a beautiful weekend here in Houston ~ they are few and far between! We'll finally be able to get out into the yard and work on the flower beds. I love this time of year. Then Saturday night, we'll be having our 2nd Guitar Hero 3 party. Last weekend, we had 10 people over to play....not sure how many will come this weekend. I'm not a huge "gaming" fan, I leave that to Michael...BUT this game is so fun and addictive....and even more so as adults. It's a fun way to relax (unless you're super competitive ~ ha!), have a good time and listen to all the classic rock music. I hope that y'all have a great weekend, wherever you may be.

Thanks for stopping by along the way. We so appreciate your prayers, friendship and encouragement!

Oh yeah ~ and here's a quick shout out to Sam & Amelia....Happy 1st birthday! We're so glad that you're here! We love you!

1 Had Something To Say:

Rusty and Jennifer said...

It amazes me how many hoops you have to jump through in the adoption process.
I cannot wait to see the way that God will bless your patience and endurance. Some lucky child will be so loved by the two of you. I am praying for your little one, wherever they are.